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Chapter Policies



  • General membership shall meet each month except July and December. December’s Christmas party may count as a Hospitality hour. Board shall meet each month except June, July and December. June’s Passing of the Crown is a chapter meeting.

  •  A member shall be counted present at Chapter Meeting if she arrives prior to the Treasurer’s report and is present until the completion of the Projects reports. It will be the responsibility of the member to let the Recording Secretary know of her arrival by signing in if roll has been called.

  •  Chapter Meetings shall begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. and be adjourned by 8:30 p.m. unless a special meeting is called. Annual Board Training for all Board members will be required.

  • Children may not attend regularly scheduled business meetings or service projects. Service projects that the Board approves as appropriate for Chapter members’ children will be exempt from this policy.


Virtual Meeting Attendance (abbreviated)

If it is determined via state, local, federal, and/or CDC mandates/recommendations that members are unable to meet in a face-to-face setting and an electronic meeting is necessary for the health and safety of the members, the following electronic meeting procedures shall be implemented:

  • Prior to each meeting, attendees shall be sent by email the time of the meeting and the URL and codes necessary to connect to the electronic meeting.

  • Electronic meeting service availability will begin at least 15 minutes before the start of each meeting.

  • Members shall identify themselves as required to sign into the electronic meeting service and shall maintain internet, visual, and audio access throughout the meeting whenever present, but shall sign out upon any departure before adjournment.

  • The presence of a quorum shall be determined via the use of the online list of participating members and/or verbal roll call with visual acknowledgement by the recording secretary or another designated by the chapter President/Chair.

  • The chapter President/Chair will designate individuals to monitor the chat box or other method of real-time written communication during the entirety of the meeting.

  • All electronic meetings may be recorded to aid in the taking and verification of minutes.


                    *Additional information can be found on pages 19 and 20 of the Chapter Constitution



  • Each year membership applications will be distributed in March and collected in April. Nominated members will attend an information session held in May. They will begin the Provisional training year in August with chapter and their 1st Provisional meeting.

  • Total Active membership shall not exceed 85, with this quota to be reviewed every four years, beginning in 2003/04 year, by the Constitution Committee.

  • Whenever a late fee for Annual meeting or other registration is assessed to the Chapter, the fee will be paid by the individual member responsible for the late charge.

  • Dues will be collected at February, March and April meetings and will be due no later than April 1st. Completed member hour sheets are due by April 15th.


Service Requirement

  • Participation in Camp Sunshine and the Finance Project is mandatory. Members who are unable to attend Camp Sunshine or the Finance Project must submit a written excuse to the Board. A member will be excused from Camp Sunshine or the Finance Project pending Board approval. Excuses are due at the board meeting 2 months prior to the project. A member who is approved/excused from the physical event/project of Camp Sunshine or the finance project toward Camp Sunshine and the Finance Project.

  • One community Education hour per year can come from attending a local PTO meeting to learn about the different needs in the community.

  • If a member neglects to attend a project assignment or neglects to bring an item signed up for, she shall be fined double the hours she was to receive upon completion of the project. The project chairs shall report any such occurrence to the Board. These Penalties are not intended to punish, but to emphasize the importance of overwork caused by a member failing to meet responsibilities to the chapter.

  • Thank-you note requests must be made to the Corresponding Secretary within a month following a donation of time, money, service, etc., or the member must write the note.


Chapter Finances

  • Receipts and/or bills must be submitted to the Treasurer within 30 days for reimbursement or payment.

  • A donation of $25 will be made to the NAJA Foundation in honor of any provisional, active member, or life/associate member who passes away.

  • The Oxford Chapter of NAJA will pay for up to three (3) rooms including the base rate plus tax at the Annual Meeting.Fuel expenses, airfare, registration and other expenses may be paid in part or full for all members attending the Annual Meeting, subject to Board approval and budget allotment.

  • Members should only contact the general public for donations to the chapter under the direction of or by permission from the Finance Committee.

  • The Chapter budget should be prepared by the Finance Committee and submitted to the Board for approval. Before the budget becomes final, it should be approved by the Chapter. The Chapter Board has the right to review and approve requests for unbudgeted items and additional fund allocations throughout the year.


Finance Project

  • The Finance Project is subject to a budget to be set by the Board.

    • The Finance Chairs shall have discretion on the quantity and value of tickets to go toward the Finance Project annually. The Finance Chairs will present a proposed quantity and dollar amount that each chapter member shall be responsible for to the Board for approval.  If the member is unable to sell tickets, she is responsible for paying the total cost of the tickets.  Each member shall receive one Finance hour for fulfilling this requirement.

    • Each member will be required to work 4 hours during the night of the finance project with at least one hour working an assigned shift. The finance hour received for ticket sales is not included in this 4-hour requirement.

    • Each member shall be required to serve on a finance committee. The Finance Chairs will be responsible for the committee assignments. Finance Chairs have the ability to assign all chapter members to contact businesses as potential sponsors and donors. If a member does not fulfill their committee commitment, the committee chairman shall report to the Board, where the member may be subject to hour deductions, or a member may be asked to repeat their service year.

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