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Classes of Membership


Provisional Member

Provisional members are required to serve a term of six months and must complete a provisional training course during this time. These members are also required to attend at least 2/3 of the regular chapter meetings and shall pay dues to the chapter. Provisional dues are $45. Provisional members are not eligible to vote or hold office.


All hours accrued by a Provisional member shall be recorded as Education hours. The Board shall require a Provisional member to accrue a minimum of thirty hours of Education under the Provisional Trainer which will include attending one Board meeting by March of each year.

Active Member


Active members are those who have met all Provisional requirements are have been admitted to Active membership by a 2/3 vote of the Board. These members are entitled to all the privileges and rights of membership, including the right to hold office and to vote and are responsible for carrying out the activities of the chapter.


Active members are required to pay dues to NAJA annually, shall obtain a minimum of TWENTY FOUR service hours and TWELVE education hours per year, and must attend SEVEN regular chapter meetings. The Board shall also require an additional EIGHTEEN hours per year and participation in all finance projects for a minimum total of 54 hours annually. Each member is also required to attend at least one Area Meeting and/or Annual Meeting during her first four years of Active membership.


Associate Member

Associate members are those who have accumulated a minimum of five years of active service and who desire to change membership classification. Associate members shall pay associate dues. Associate members who accrue a minimum of ten Service hours by the April meeting are eligible for promotion to Associate Active status. The only privilege accorded to Associate Active members is the right to sign a membership application.


Life Member

Life members are those who have accumulated a minimum of five years of active service and who have paid to NAJA a total amount equal to ten additional years of current associate dues. Life members who accrue a minimum of ten Service hours by the April meeting are eligible for promotion to Life Active status. The only privilege accorded to Life Active members is the right to sign a membership application.


Sustaining Member

Sustaining members are individuals in the community who are not eligible for Active membership and upon whom the chapter desires to bestow an honorary membership due to outstanding service or financial contribution to the chapter.


Non-resident Member

Active members in good standing are entitled to Non-resident membership, which is open to those whose residence is changed to that of another community. If a Non-resident member wishes to complete Active obligation and attain Associate status, the member must 1) complete THIRTY hours of volunteer community service within the community of residence and TWELVE education hours to enhance volunteer skills and effectiveness, 2) pay non-resident dues to chapter of record, 3) report service and education hours to chapter of record.

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